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Protect yourself
from a tax audit


Don’t risk losing money,
assets or your business!

Source Accounting offers Tax Audit Insurance to all existing clients. It covers the cost of professional fees incurred as a result of you being selected for an audit, enquiry, investigation or review by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The cost of being properly represented in these matters can be significant. Even if no adjustments are required, you could still be left with considerable professional fees because you will need to pay for the cost of an accountant and seek legal advice, when addressing the ATO audit. Our Tax Audit Insurance provides a fixed, cost effective solution to guard against these unbudgeted costs.
Our Tax Audit Insurance service is provided by our accounting firm via a group policy we hold in our business name. This policy is underwritten by AAI Limited (trading as Vero Insurance).

Lodged returns & financial compliance obligations covered

  • Company establishment.

  • Trust establishment including selection of the type of trust depending on your situation i.e. unit trusts and discretionary family trusts.

  • Partnership establishment.

  • Sole trader advice and strategy.

  • Registration of business/trading names with ASIC.

  • We will quote your fee upfront for each service. 

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